5 Days Kitchen Cabinets Solution

The kitchen cabinets are one permanent piece of furniture in the house. It is a very challenging task to replace these kitchen cabinets in case you opt for your kitchen renovation or redecoration. When a person chooses furniture for a house, whether it’s cabinets or sofas, they keep in mind that the furniture will be in the house for years, possibly even decades. But in this long timeframe of 20 years or more, multiple design changes may come; after all, change is the only constant in the world. So, over time, your kitchen cabinets may look old, and design and colors may look ancient. So, what to do in this case? Rip the entire cabinet system off and replace it with a new one. Well, this could be a solution only when you plan to spend a lot of time and money. And in case not, then? Then, in this case, there is no better way than painting your kitchen cabinets, which is not a job that takes more than 5 days. So, what is the 5 days kitchen cabinet solution? Here is how you can paint the kitchen cabinets in 5 days.

1- Day 1:

The first day should be taken to prepare the cabinets for the paint job. Take off all the knobs and handles of the cabinets. Use frog tape to ensure that each handle goes back to the same cabinet from where it was taken off. Cover all the flooring and appliances near your cabinets using cardboard sheets and polythene sheets. This will ensure that any spilled paint is not permanently settled on your stove or floor.

2- Day 2:

Once you have prepared your kitchen cabinets, the next thing to do is to clean the kitchen cabinets. Start by dusting the kitchen cabinets. Once you are sure that the kitchen cabinets are free of dust, start rubbing or sanding the kitchen cabinets. Sanding will help make sure that the primer and the paint can adhere to the surface directly. Start priming your kitchen cabinets using a paintbrush and paint rollers. Once done, let the primer dry off. It may take 3-4 hours to dry off.

3- Day 3:

The third day goes into painting the kitchen cabinets. When painting the cabinets, make sure you start early in the day. This is because the painting process requires multiple paint layers so that it cabinets look perfect. So, while you paint and one surface dries, add another layer. Layer at least 3 times.

4- Day 4:

The fourth day should go in painting the cabinet parts which are at the back or are not the faces of the doors. Check if some places in the kitchen cabinets are not perfectly painted. The fourth day should go in to make sure that everything has been covered and that the paint dries off perfectly.

5- Day 5:

The last day is the day when we put the whole kitchen back together. On the fifth day, you need to make sure that all the doorknobs are placed on the cabinets they were taken off. Take off the cardboard and polyethylene covers from the floor and appliances. Make sure everything is at its place.

Painting the kitchen cabinets is not a big task. The task takes very low effort and is comparatively very cheap. So, in case you are looking forward to making your kitchen look beautiful again, cabinet painting is the best option.

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